Android is not just a machine ,It's much more than a machine. So today we post some best android hacks and tricks. If you try these tricks in your android phone, you make your phone use like a pro. In this post we collect our top most viewed tricks post for android phone. When you try these apps make sure you root your phone. If you don't know how to root your phone follow our guide. /2014/11/android-full-rooting-guide-for-every.html" target="_blank">Android Full Rooting Guide for Every Phone with Advantages
Top 10 Android Hacks and Tricks for Your Phone
You can use your android camera as a surveillance IP Webcam. This trick is so useful when you want spy devices at free of cost. Everyone has Android Phone with camera. With this trick you can easily convert android camera as a spy camera.
If you are using that give you limited download data. With this trick you can easily change your mac and access unlimited data on limited wifi. So with this trick you can easily change and spoof your mac address of android mobile phone.
In Android Mobile, sometimes your IMEI give you error. So with this trick you can easily change or repair your Android Mobile IMEI number. /2014/11/android-full-rooting-guide-for-every.html" target="_blank">Android Full Rooting Guide for Every Phone with Advantages
Top 10 Android Hacks and Tricks for Your Phone
See live Download Internet Speed in Android Screen with Network Monitor
With this trick you can see your current Internet speed in Android Mobile. Network Monitor Mini is android app,with the help of this android app you can see your download and upload speed of the Internet. /2014/07/see-live-download-internet-speed-in.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Make Your Android Mobile as Web Server and Host a Full Website On It
We all know with android mobile ,we can do anything what we want. What about making a web server, this is right you can make your android as a web server. In PC we make web server with the help of XAMPP and WAMP. Now in android we use a KSWEB App. /2014/07/make-your-android-mobile-as-web-server.html" target="_blank"> Download and Learn More
Disable Other Devices Connection on Wifi and eat all Bandwidth
All Public WiFi User face slow Internet speed in pc and Android Mobile. So How can you increase your Internet speed by stopping other devices connection. This is one of the most popular android tricks. With this android trick you can easily kill other users wifi connection. WiFi Kill pro apk is android hacking app. /2014/05/wifikill-pro-apk-for-disable-other.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Remotely Turn Off Any Android Phone by Just Sending SMS
This is not a hacking tricks but this trick give you more control over your android phone. With this trick you poweroff your android phone by just sending sms from another phone. /2014/11/remotely-turn-off-any-android-phone-by.html" style="font-size: x-large;" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Turn your Android Phone Camera as a Surveillance IP Webcam
You can use your android camera as a surveillance IP Webcam. This trick is so useful when you want spy devices at free of cost. Everyone has Android Phone with camera. With this trick you can easily convert android camera as a spy camera. /2014/11/turn-your-android-phone-camera-as.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
How to Change Your Android Mobile Device ID
If you download android apps that register and save your device ID , so with this trick you can easily change your android device ID. /2014/08/how-change-your-android-mobile-device-id.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Change/Spoof Mac Address of your Android Phone
If you are using that give you limited download data. With this trick you can easily change your mac and access unlimited data on limited wifi. So with this trick you can easily change and spoof your mac address of android mobile phone. /2014/06/changespoof-mac-address-of-androidphone.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
How to change or repair IMEI in Android Smartphone
In Android Mobile, sometimes your IMEI give you error. So with this trick you can easily change or repair your Android Mobile IMEI number. /2014/08/how-to-change-or-repair-imei-in-android.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Monitor and Spy Girlfriend Whatsapp Account from WhatsDog
This trick is only for whatsapp users. With this whatsapp trick you can easily spy on other whatsapp account users. /2014/11/latest-whatsapp-full-guides-hacks-and.html" target="_blank">Latest Whatsapp Full Guides ,Hacks and Tricks 2014-2015 /2014/10/monitor-and-spy-girldfriend-whatsapp.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Know how Many People Using your Wifi Network with Android
If you are owner of WiFi network or you use a public wifi network, so how you know how many people and devices connected to your network. With Fing WiFi Network analyser you can see how many users are connected to your wifi network. /2014/10/know-how-many-people-using-your-wifi.html" target="_blank">Download and Learn More
Try all of these android hacks with your android phone. If you have any doubt feel free to contact me.
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